
编辑:本站作者2023-04-01 09:19:53来源于:上美网



  Yesterday, I finished calligraphy and went to the bookstore with my mother to buy some books. When I came to the bookstore, I saw the world classic, gone with the wind. Open it and find it interesting and buy it.

  When I got home, I couldnt wait to start looking. "Gone with the wind" is about her life. She is unyielding and unyielding in the face of the flames of war. In the face of the death of her loved ones, she dried her tears and tried to cheer up. In the face of the lovers departure, she is undaunted, to start again.

  She had been through many trials and tribulations, and she had always loved her, but she could only marry her cousin, Melanie, for the fame of her family. Scarlett was forced by her life to marry three men she did not love.

  Some of them died of illness, some of them resolutely left her. Scarlett had three children, but she still managed to feed them.

  Scarlett, who had married three men to feed her children, had endured a lot of pain, and her hands had gone from soft, white, delicate hands to calloused hands.

  I admire scarlett very much, she is undaunted, unyielding, too great!


  Perhaps it is because of the truth of the novel that I would like to enjoy the courage, sense of responsibility and fearless spirit of scarlett. Like the Christian worship of Jesus, the adoration of rhetts love for scarlett was so tolerable that it could contain her all.

  The most profound memory of love is that scarlett, after talking to rhett, murmured that if I knew ASHLEY, I would never fall in love with him. If I knew rhett, I wouldnt have made him want to leave. This sentence is right, as we ourselves, no matter how clear the bystanders, we cannot always know the truth, after all, it is emotional.

  What I like most about life is the end of the novel, scarletts inner workings: tomorrow, I will find a way to keep him, and tomorrow will be another day. It may be said that this is a cowardice of reality, but I think it is an optimistic attitude.


  The only novel that American writer Margaret Mitchell has ever had is gone with the wind.

  It has been popular with readers since its publication. "Gone with the wind", a movie based on gone with the wind, also won several oscars.

  The story took place in the United States before, during and after the war in north county of tara manor George, miss scarlett O hara is the heroine of the novel, and frail, sentimental younger sister is very different, the woman growing up in the red earth energetic, bold and rebellious.

  She radiated life and courageously courted the young handsome and gentlemanly ASHLEY Wilkes. ASHLEY, however, would not accept it, because she was so angry that she married rhett butler, who had always loved scarlett, and she had all her energy in ASHLEY.

  At last, rhett left her, only to find that ASHLEY was just a shadow, and felt that he should get rhett back...

  Scarletts fearless and fearless spirit deserves our reference and study!


  After the fall of Atlanta, her strength was admirable, and she bore the burden of the ordinary. But her unfoldable means also became legitimate, of course, which was supposed to be a predatory society.

  She used her sisters happiness for her save peoples lives, and in order to expel the poverty, hunger of terror, she is not fold means, with white men and negroes in free trade, partition, she grew up, common experience of war compatriots, became (中文邮件格式:邮件的主题是为了让收件人看到邮件之后对该邮件有个大体了解,确定邮件的紧急、重要程度、有效、有用性的;所以在写主题的时候最主要的突出 什么事、重要程度等关键信息;可以按照以下方式和思路去写:格式:修饰词+邮件内容+时间+发件人。如果有必要的话还可以在主题上加上紧急程度和邮件的主体内容,清晰明了。)a traitor. But she never cared what others said, she was loyal to herself, she knew what she was going for, she had to lose, and she could afford it. In the second marriage she had a daughter who was not very fond of her, and poor old women had to suffer.

  I dont know why she will agree to marry rhett, just because that a crazy kiss, or withhold the lure of money, he is only in front of rhett, she can say the truth, can feel a pair of wide arms, I cant stand in the Angle of the know the result thought of her at that time why promised to get married, I hope even when her heart because they have planted a tree full of love and is aware of her own seed.


  Everybody is good! Have you read the book gone with the wind? This book is written by Mitchell, a famous American writer. Oh, doesnt it seem to be all right? Then, lets take a look at my reading. I think the subject of this book has written about some of the places in Atlanta and the suburbs. There are some specific things about the heroine scarlett, and there are many characters in the book.

  There is also the history of the American civil war, which can be said for a hundred years. And the very image of the southern society. It USES a lot of techniques, so people cant get tired of it. The owner of "gone with the wind" is colorful, good and bad. I loved the book, and scarlett, though beautiful, had her own dryness. ASHLEY (the hero) was handsome, but he was also upset. This book is very good!

  I heard that the book was published less than 24 hours, and the phone rang every three minutes. The doorbell rang every five minutes, and a telegram was received every seven minutes. In the first three weeks after the book was published, 176,000 copies were sold! Okay, so thats how I read it. Okay?

本文标题:《飘》英文读后感(精选5篇) - 娱乐八卦



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